Browse all of the products offered by Sintokogio.
“Manufacturing that supports manufacturing.” Learn more about Sintokogio.
By modifying the shape and properties of the surface of materials, we give them new functionality.
We employ IT and other cutting-edge casting technologies to take foundry operations to the next level.
We offer solutions that create more comfortable spaces for workers while keeping them safe and healthy.
Our powder treatment technologies fall into three categories—compacting, kneading, and transporting—allowing us to offer new value to a broad range of fields.
Our force sensors can simultaneously detect load along three axes and moment around each, giving robots a sense of force.
We proudly offer the smallest, lightest servo cylinders in the industry, enabling an array of precision operations including press fitting and riveting.
Our scissor lifts and conveyors automate and streamline transfer and transport operations.
【Group company: MEIKIKOU】
Proposals for “super precision” optical measurement technology.
Our micron-level fine magnetic metal powder is a core electronic material that helps manufacturers create large-current, compact, high-frequency products.
We offer ceramic components, 3D printers, and measurement devices.
【Group company: Sinto V-Cerax】
From base preparation to flooring surface treatment, we offer fresh value in flooring to create more comfortable spaces.
Our healthcare and pharmaceutical offerings include premium-quality cleanrooms and isolators.
【Group company: Airex】